Buck didn’t have a lot of time to tell the whole story of the acquisition of his new pet. After all, it was the weekend, and who has time to write long, narrative blogs on their day off? There’s always plenty of time for that kind of thing during the weekdays when clients are convinced that he’s a busy man, so he decided to just post the pics on Saturday and let the images speak for themselves.

Long story short, though: he’d been researching ball pythons and planning the purchase for months with a target date sometime in the late January to early February time frame.

Then a reptile exposition composed of independent regional breeders came to town and Buck took two of his girls along to look at all the herps (that’s herpetologist terminology for reptiles and amphibians), and couldn’t help but notice the fine health of the snakes and the bargain basement pricing. He knew from inquiries with trusted sources that the breeders at the expo were reputable and did not import wild caught animals or animals hatched abroad and shipped overseas to the U.S. He left the expo exhilarated at having seen such a huge selection, but he felt deflated because he’d missed a grand opportunity.

When he mentioned the prices to Mrs. 99 (honestly believing that he was just setting her up for the next expo to come through town, whenever that would be), she surprised him by asking why he didn’t just go ahead, drive back to the expo before it closed, pull the trigger and buy a snake. So that’s what he did. He won’t bother his readers with details of the snake’s care in the week since acquisition, but he will provide a link for anyone interested in understanding exactly what it is that he got (

After he visits the veterinarian Buck will be able to confirm the gender of the snake. Is it a female (as the breeder claimed), or a male? Buck will reveal his pet’s name after the gender is known.
Suggestions are welcomed!!!
Hmmm, your snake isn't quite as big as I thought it would be. Does your snake get larger when it is excited? If so , thats a good indication that the snake is in fact a he.
Oh .. your reptile looks cool too .. forgot to acknowledge it when I left the last post.
You were thinking about how big Buck's snake was? He's guessing you voted "No" to the ammendment on Tuesday's referendum, and advises you to invest in some real estate out west.
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