Sunday, December 17, 2006

Weekends in Cryptopolis

Buck is in Hell.

It is Sunday morning, and Buck is buried beneath a ton of worthless bullshit work down in the supply closet five floors beneath the client's super fortress. He anticipates being stuck here until 8:00 PM or so. He was here all day yesterday as well. He is alone. The weather outside is nice: high 60's, sunny and breezy, but he can't see it. The oubliette has no windows.

Buck learned this past week that the information gathered through the intranet site content inventory task he is performing will likely be shelved until the 3rd quarter of 2009.

That's right: 2009. By then the content that he inventoried will have changed drastically.

Yet the deliverables must be delivered. The project must be completed on-time and under budget. The show must go on. Buck does not receive additional compensation for the additional hours he puts in. And as to the fact that a relatively simple program could have been written in 2 or 3 days that would complete in just 5 minutes what Buck has been manually working on for over a month now, well, let's just say the client is paranoid and strictly forbade it.

As you might imagine, Buck is just about ready to blow a fuse.

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

Buck sounds ready for a career change

Scott said...

Hab, you speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

maybe one Buck 99 could go into wildlife TV and replace the great late Croc Hunter?!?

Scott said...

Buck likes reptiles, but he doesn't have a deathwish. Irwin was lucky the crocs didn't get him first. Sucks he's gone.

Buck is thinking more along the lines of breeding, or helping snakephobes (the correct term is "ophidiophobes") get over their fears through graduated exposure therapy sessions, or herpetological field research, or even suburban 'pest" removal, or perhaps some combination of the above.